information portal of Eurasian Koreans


Dedicated to Prof. Evgeniy Tsoi
About us is a platform whose goal is to bring together information about Eurasian Koreans on the Internet. Today there is a lot of material on Eurasian Koreans, much of which has been comprehended and even rethought. The quintessence of Eurasian Koreans' understanding of their past, present and future prospects is the emergence among them of scientists who devoted their scientific research to various aspects of the life of Koreans living in the former Soviet Union. At the same time, the very culture and history of the Eurasian Koreans tells us about the important task of not only preserving the unique experience of living in a multi-ethnic (mainly Russian-speaking environment), but also telling about it to all those who are interested in the very process of development of the diaspora over a long time remote from of their historical homeland.
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